Stages: One Actor’s Beginning

by Sarah Carman on May 12, 2008

in Stages

One Actor’s Beginning
by Sarah Carman

When I was in tenth grade I decided I was going to be an actress. I’d always enjoyed putting on shows – I was a pretty “theatrical” kid – but it wasn’t until the age of 15, while watching a movie, which shall at this point remain unnamed, that I knew acting was for me. I loved the idea of running around and having adventures, exploring characters, experiencing things I wouldn’t normally get to experience in “real life.” But there was high school to finish, and then college… I was a little fearful about the idea of just picking up and taking off to Hollywood. The dream was postponed. After attending a college just outside of Los Angeles and becoming somewhat familiar with the area, I moved into an apartment with a couple of girls and set about pursuing my desired career. Two and a half years later, I found myself still working the same full-time job I’d acquired through a temp agency, and doing pretty much no acting apart from the occasional musical at the local community theater. It wasn’t until some good friends of mine gave me a nudge toward the Beverly Hills Playhouse that I finally began to actively chase my dream.

With this blog I’d like to invite you along with me on my journey toward working with Meryl Streep and Daniel Day-Lewis. It’s a long road, but from my experience thus far I can assure you it will be an interesting one!

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