Dispatch From the East — Two: Poem

by Chris Amico on January 5, 2007

in Poetry, Travel Writing

Editor’s Note: The following is the second in a fencepost series by Chris Amico, RedFence’s first foreign correspondent. Chris recently moved to China to teach English, and maybe learn some things as well. We look forward to walking the paths of the East with him, maybe for years to come.

Seaside, Somewhere
by Chris Amico

Familiar fog rolls down foreign street
My feet know the road
From months of walking it
But this is not my city

The street lamps glow a perfect yellow
Frayed behind the white mist
Not blue and sterile
Like the halogens back home

I don’t belong here, really
But my nose recognizes the salt
That floats in on the damp air

I know this ocean
If not this side of it

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