Motorcycle Musings

Epic Ride, part 2 by Titus Gee (Big D and I continue the adventure we started in Epic Ride, part 1.) A weathered Mazda convertible from sometime in the early ’90s rounded the hill and crept toward us. The driver crawled it over the heaps and creases of dirt washed across the pavement and splashed […]


Epic Ride, part 1 by Titus Gee Big D sold his Nighthawk. He didn’t want to, but he was taking the wife and child a thousand miles north to a new job in Seattle. Before he went, my partner-in-two-wheeled-shenanigans hatched one final scheme. Now, Big D has kind of a knack for biting off more […]

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I jumped off and yanked the bag outward to get the drip off the pipes, in case not being in flames yet was a coincidence.


Wrenching by Titus Gee It’s cold. The pavement is damp, but at least I’m not lying in a puddle. Why is it always the middle of the night? “Hey, Mel?” “Oi.” “You got the flashlight?” “Yep.” I feel pressure on the side of my calf, where my brother is touching me with the tool so […]


Classic Edition: Posts I started before the Nighthawk caught a terminal case of truck. This one goes back a ways. Gently by Titus Gee Little Tujunga Canyon, in the San Gabriel Mountains, swoops and dives like a hawk playing on a gusty day. Find the line and it rides better than your favorite roller coaster, […]


Fog by Titus Gee The world appears just ahead of me, maybe ten feet, twenty? Materializing out of a foggy gray mass that obscures the path ahead. My high beams only make the wall more solid but I keep them on anyway, throwing all my focus forward. I start out slow, easing into the maze […]


Back in the Saddle by Titus Gee Less than an hour after crawling off the 210 Freeway, I started getting the question. It’s almost like a ritual response, like saying ‘how are you?’ in passing to a stranger. A motorcycle hits the pavement and the burning question apparently forms in every mind: “Are you going […]


Collision by Titus Gee A surprising number of thoughts played through my mind as I slid down the freeway on my backside. The first couple fell outside the usual decency standards of RedFence content. In the words of Hagar the Horrible: #$%$ &$%# and @#*&-ing, @#*&-ing, %#$& I also had time to think about the […]


Wind by Titus Gee Rain Threatens me Darkness Hides my road Snow and ice Offer oblivion on every curve But worst of all the wind. Only the wind opposes me Invisible, unavoidable Fickle Shoves me back Insulted by my arrogance. The way looks clear Sharp-lined road ahead Under cloudless blue Yet every mile I fight […]


Gear by Titus Gee Gear. I like it. I think that’s a sufficiently masculine beginning for a post that’s basically about fashion. Anyway, it’ll do. OK, fine, I’ll add some Hemingway, just for good measure. This line from “Big Two-Hearted River” has lingered in my mind for almost a decade, since the very first time […]