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Movie of the Moment 14

by James Roland on March 28, 2009

in Movies of the Moment

A pick from guest blogger James Roland.
Also catch a glimpse of RF contributor Sarah Carman debuting her soon-to-be-famous scream of terror.

Fan-Made Trailer for A Nightmare on Elm Street

What happens when you love horror films, find out a major production company is remaking the ’80s classic A Nightmare on Elm Street, and you happen to be an actor and makeup artist?

You make the best fan film I’ve ever seen.

This video was made by Christopher Johnson, who has no affiliation with Platinum Dunes. But if you like the work, then you can join his cause and support his bid to play Freddy in the actual remake. Check out the website HERE, and watch this great documentary about his lifelong obsession with the character.

— James

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