James Roland

Pixar’s Up by James Roland I love Pixar. They’ve never made a bad film, never made a mediocre film. Even their weakest, Cars and A Bug’s Life, are solid and entertaining films. So I was nervous when I heard the premise to Up: a 78-year-old man floats his house to South America using party balloons. […]


Disney’s Bolt by James Roland The expectations are high; it’s been two years since John Lasseter (mastermind of Pixar) took over Disney animation, and we’re only just now beginning to see the films he’s guided through that department. The buzz on Bolt thus far has been negative in most circles, not because of the quality […]


Terminator: Salvation by James Roland So for a while now I’ve been dreading the release of Terminator: Salvation. I mean, T3 was a disaster, and from what I hear the TV show is mediocre, so what should I expect from a franchise reboot from the maker of Charlie’s Angels. But judging from the footage screened […]


But what’s the deal with all the others? Those guys that dress up like bugs and bats and fly around? Cause I love their movies, and I love their origins, but don’t bother picking up their current adventures.


An Evening with Cinematic Titanic by James Roland I saw fireflies on Saturday night – for the first time in my life. They’re attracted to the projected light at the John Anson Ford Amphitheater in Hollywood and, last week, while at a live performance of Cinematic Titanic, I watched them flutter just above the audience. […]


Boston Attacks!

by James Roland on March 3, 2008

in James Roland

Boston Attacks! by James Roland While Stumbling I conceived a new blog idea: find a slew of brand new college-aged artists and write about them before they hit it big. I found a great Jazz singer and a YouTube comedian, then remembered a troupe of young filmmakers I’d found a while back and suddenly I […]


The Luke Andrews Accident by James Roland I’ve missed out on most of Rock n’ Roll history. While Eddie Vedder was penning his lyrics for some musicians in Seattle and Kurt Cobain was strumming his way into infamy while forever changing the course of baggy pants, I was tucked away in another part of Washington […]


To all of our friends, family, and contributors, thanks for making this happen.


Jersey Rejection

by James Roland on January 11, 2007

in James Roland

Jersey Rejection by James Roland I got my first rejection letter. It was from The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. It was from the assistant editor. It was short and bitter, containing the phrase “the tale didn’t grab my interest, I’m afraid.” I don’t really mind the rejection; I’m the guy who wrote creepy […]