Joel’s Comic-Con: The Final Day

by Joel Champagne on July 27, 2008

in Comic-Con

The Final Day
by Joel Champagne

Well, Comic-Con is winding down, and it clearly showed. The panels and audiences didn’t have the same energy as on previous days. There were fewer lines, but quieter rooms.

All in all, the experience of the Con was a great one. Despite all of the idiot security guards, the greedy, grasping fans (every panel today had fan after fan asking for nameplate/autograph/photo instead of asking actual questions), and the hilariously sad sleeping conditions (gogo hobo style!) I had a blast. I saw some of my favorite writers, producers, and actors speak, and even got to introduce myself to a few. I wish there had been a little more information about upcoming developments, but hey, sometimes the surprise is worth the wait.

Smallville and Supernatural are chugging along with no signs of slowing. The Friday the 13th remake looks meh, but since it was produced by Michael Bay, meh is pretty good, considering.

Of the spaceships the panel of experts compared, the Imperial Star Destroyer, captained by James T. Kirk, was the winner of the universe.

Finally, after a long drive home, the time has come to lay down my head in an actual bed, after taking an actual shower. Time to dream of next year (definitely getting a hotel room this time).

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